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Underwriting Surveys

Underwriting surveys are conducted to provide a factual and objectively based description of the
premises subject to survey and a current state assessment of the operations as they stand.

Key operational risk issues are identified and are later followed up at intervals aligning with insurer/reinsurer expectations and form an integral part of the renewal of an insurance program. The risk issues identified form part of a more comprehensive risk control program.

The underwriting report details postulated loss scenarios and potential loss estimates which give a subjective indication of postulated risk events that could materialize. These scenarios are assessed on two levels, firstly that existing automatic fire defence installations perform as required and that there is a response to the fire situation by a fire brigade and the like, this being the lower order postulated loss scenario – the Estimated Maximum Loss (EML). The higher order postulated loss is the Maximum Possible Loss (MPL) where only passive protection is considered in assessing the loss potential. After the MPL and EML scenarios are defined, a review process is undertaken to challenge

the assumptions and loss potential.

These calculations are subjective and very much a pseudo – science but nevertheless deserve much more attention to details than is often provided in the reporting.

A client’s existing mitigating and contingency arrangements are noted in the reporting; these arrangements are not necessarily considered by the insurer, the de facto status is nevertheless recorded.

These underwriting surveys allow the insurer to gain insight into the clients operations and indicate rates and capacity in accepting the risk.

LNDR Consulting underwriting surveys include the essential elements of any good underwriting survey and also ensure that the reports are not generic but focus instead focus on the key risks and data points specific to the industry, the particular location, processes, construction elements, geography, and Natural Hazard/Catastrophe exposures.

Our reports deal with specific insurer concerns on request.

Our surveyors have a solid grounding in building construction and fire protection, these contributing significantly to the report.

Technical aspects such as sprinkler systems, hydrant reticulation network flow and pressure testing, infrared scanning, and other technical services are often used in tandem with our underwriting

reports to confirm the efficacy of our reporting.

Our surveyors are experienced and have worked in commercial, retail, industrial, and mining environments; ensuring that they understand the intricacies and complications of a clients operations.

LNDR Consulting has staff and network arrangements in place to facilitate these surveys across Africa and beyond.







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