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Risk Tracking Registers

The tracking registers are built for all risks which are identified in each individual risk module and include the management responses to track the risks accordingly.

LNDR Consulting conducts risk tracking assessments and compiles risk tracking registers accordingly.

The risk tracking registers are customized on a per client basis and are built to include individualized risk modules such as division by the risk types, the risk owners, the date, the risk priority ranking, and proposed completion date as well as completed date.

The items are separated into location, group and division items to assign the risks accordingly into the operational environment.

Once risk tracking registers are compiled they are updated on an agreed frequency basis which is determined by the nature of the risks involved as well as by the insurer requirements dependent on whether the tracking registers are for internal purposes or for an insurer/intermediary.

The tracking registers form an integral part in providing management oversight into the key issues and current state in terms of identifying and remediating existing risks.







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