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QFCS - Quote Fit Client Solutions

Full day one compliance at an economic best-fit. Ensuring that fire defence system quotations received are fully compliant from day one.

The fire protection industry in general, apart from being unregulated, is often marred by considerable variation in quotations for identical jobs of work. These variations can range up to 40% between various suppliers; these variations can then be achieved as savings in whole or in part.

This inconsistency arises from opaque pricing practices, over-designing, and under-designing of systems, non-compliant installations, and installations that are not fit for purpose.

Clients subsequently fall foul of inflated costings, significant variation orders once the contracts have started; this leads to inflated costs, and non-compliance issues that incur additional costs to remediate if this can even be achieved once a sub-standard installation is complete. Obviously, compliance with Insurer expectations are also compromised in this flawed outcome.

Additionally, the above applies to fire defence servicing and maintenance arrangements.

At QFCS (Quote Fit Client Solutions), we address these issues head-on with our meticulous quote recalibration services and fire advisory panel. Our expert team scrutinizes each quotation, ensuring transparency and fairness, and optimizes designs to align precisely with regulatory standards and client needs. By providing detailed cost comparisons and personalized recommendations, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, securing the most economical and compliant fire defence solutions.

Throughout the process, we ensure clear communication and provide transparent cost comparisons, empowering clients to make informed decisions. To ensure seamless implementation, we offer support by liaising with contractors and suppliers, ensuring that our recommendations are executed to the highest standards. Our structured approach guarantees the delivery of optimal fire defence solutions that are both economical and compliant with industry standards as well as local and international codes of practice as may be applicable.







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