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Independent Automatic Sprinkler Inspections

A fully comprehensive inspection with no alignments or competing interests to other entities within the fire protection industry.

We provide an independent automatic sprinkler system inspection, these are conducted by experienced inspectors with extensive field-relative experience in the industry.

We are competent to undertake inspections of installations which have been installed according to the various local and international codes, standards, and rules. These inspections satisfy the requirements of both the BS EN 12845 Code as well as the ASIB 12th Edition rules which state that sprinkler systems must be inspected for compliance by a competent and completely independent third party.

The sprinkler inspections are conducted on a 6-monthly basis, however, inspections outside of this cycle are also catered for; such instances include circumstances where a client requires remedial actions to be audited prior to the next insurer-required inspection. Alternatively the commissioning/ handover inspections of new/extended/refurbished systems.

The survey entails a comprehensive inspection of the automatic sprinkler system/s installed whereafter a report is compiled which indicated the existing level of compliance benchmarked against the applicable codes, standards, and rules, and also highlights any non-conformances for rectification.

Where deviations/exceptions are concerned and reported the appropriate remedial actions required are given to allow for the system to reach a state of full compliance.







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