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Vibration Analysis

A predictive and preventative maintenance solution conducted by LNDR Consulting’s internationally qualified specialists with experience in a wide range of inductries.

Vibration analysis is considered to be one of the cornerstones of a predictive maintenance or condition monitoring program. This service can also be coupled with thermal imaging assessments to further pinpoint any faults.

The process can be applied to a wide variety of machinery whereafter the data is analysed and a report is compiled along with risk mitigating recommendations. Wherein this service forms part of an ongoing program the data is also monitored for trends using a library historical data to monitor the condition of the equipment.

The data collected at the time of the assessment is compared and benchmarked against pre-existing data across a wide range of fault conditions (such as damaged bearings, misaligned shafts and components, out-of-balance rotors, loose foundations, and others).

Upon remediation of the fault conditions the respective machinery/components can be attended to saving the life of the equipment and reducing future operational down-time.




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