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Oil analysis promotes the reliability and life span of all lubricated machinery.

LNDR Consulting provides tribology services to determine the current condition of lubricated machinery and aid in the preventative maintenance and condition monitoring fields.

These assessments allow for an understanding of where the lubricated equipment condition falls in relation to the five main factors used in determining oil lubrication standards (namely clean oil, dry oil, ensuring that the oil used holds the correct properties for the application, contamination control, and wear debris monitoring).

Typical applications of tribology are applied to conveyor gearboxes, final drives, hydraulic systems, engines, coolant tanks, transmissions, differentials, fuel tanks, transformers, and bearings.

The wear-debris analysis is utilized to ascertain the root cause of abnormal conditions experienced by lubricated equipment. Ineffective lubrication of mechanical components inevitably leads to excessive wear which in turn leads to breakdowns and unplanned stoppages causing interruption to the business/process.

LNDR Consulting staff are trained to ensure that the samples taken allow for accurate analysis and effective determination of issues by ensuring that sample contamination is prevented and that the samples are taken from a reliable and consistent source.

Sample reports are compiled and provided to the clients and the service can form part of a condition monitoring and risk management program.




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