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RIT - Room Integrity Testing (Gas Flooding)

Ensure that installed gaseous fire suppression systems will be effective the day they are required.

Gaseous fire suppression systems are normally installed where critical assets require automatic fire protection; given what these systems are usually protecting it is imperative to ensure that the systems will operate as intended when needed.

The efficacy of gaseous fire suppression systems is affected by the room’s integrity in which they are installed. In order for the system to operate adequately the room in which it is installed must be able to hold the concentration requisite level of the extinguishing gas medium, with an acceptable amount of leakage for a predetermined period. Thereby the concentration level of the extinguishing gas does not fall below the level required for extinguishing a fire situation. Room integrity assessments test exactly this.

These assessments are conducted without the need to release the existing gas installation and are considered a method of NDE testing. The assessments are benchmarked in accordance with Annex C of NFPA 2001 utilizing a door fan pressurization method to determine the leakage of the entire enclosure envelope.

The method simulates a worst-case leakage scenario as well as an actual performance benchmark whereafter a report is compiled accordingly.

The report compiled stipulates the current state of the room from an enclosed envelope perspective and states whether the structure will be sufficient in the event of a fire situation when the gas suppression system deploys. The report also details any non-conformances and provides recommended remedial actions where the integrity is deemed insufficient.




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