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Corona Discharge

Corona discharge is one of the most common faults which occurs on high voltage equipment and cannot be seen in the visible light spectrum.

Corona discharge causes significant power losses as well as presenting a major hazard to nearby personal and adjoining electrical equipment.

At LNDR Consulting this is seen as another risk which in turn can be managed.

Corona discharge is first noticed given its distinctive sound comparable with hissing and is usually observed when in close proximity to high tension overhead power lines. This is caused by the ionization of air surrounding the energized conductor which in turn is radiated in the ultra-violet light spectrum which is visible through the use of an ultra-violet imaging device.

Our surveyors monitor the corona discharge and a report is issued accordingly with the recommended reparative action required. These inspections are an integral tool directed at preventing unexpected power loss associated with business interruption and aid in the prevention of severe equipment failure .

These surveys are conducted on either an interval-based timeline or as need be, they form part of a regularized condition monitoring process.

Upon completion of the assessment the client is furnished with a comprehensive report containing the observations as well as the risk mitigating recommendations.




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